Game One:
Eclypsia Bans:
Rengar, Orianna, Jayce
Eclypsia Picks:
fredy122 - Top - Renekton
tabzz - Mid - Ahri
kilwar - ADC - Tristana
kazmitch - Support - Taric
ImSoFresh - Jungle - Nunu
KMT Bans:
Fizz, Sona, Shen
KMT Picks:
arQuel - Top - Yorick
r3dz0r - Mid - Katarina
Nzq - ADC - Ezreal
Wost Sona EU - Support - Lulu
Woolite - Jungle - Lee Sin
Renekton (fredy122) dominate Yorick (arQuel) frrom minute one in top lane. It was good to see tabzz playing again as he had a great game as Ahri. r3dz0r matched him as Katarina in lane, but tabzz's early game roaming was much more successful. KMT's high mobility comp experienced a resurgence in mid game as Yorick's ult allowed Katarina to go all in for 20 seconds. Eclypsia maintained their overall advantage and were able to end the game with Tristana (kilwar) sniping from the back lane and taking target after target down.
EC 1, KMT 0
Game Two:
Eclypsia Picks:
fredy122 - Top - Renekton
tabzz - Mid - Diana
kilwar - ADC - Ashe
kazmitch - Support - Taric
ImSoFresh - Jungle - Lee Sin
KMT Picks:
arQuel - Top - Shen
r3dz0r - Mid - Evelynn
Nzq - ADC - Caitlyn
Wost Sona EU - Support - Lulu
Woolite - Jungle - Jarvan IV
KMT were allowed to pick Shen for arQuel and seemed much more comfortable with this comp heading into game two. Their confidence paid off and they enjoyed a 10-0 start, seven of them going to Evelynn (r3dz0r), and a huge farm advantage for Caitlyn (Nzq) over Ashe (kilwar). Evelynn made KMT's first mistake just after the 20 minute mark and got stuck under a turret, starting off a retreat in which they lost three champions for free. Lee Sin (ImSoFresh) was able to pull off a clutch Baron steal at 28 minutes, but it did little more than slow KMT down and EC's nexus fell at 35 minutes.
EC 1, KMT 1
Game Three:
Eclypsia Bans:
Rengar, Lulu, Shen
Eclypsia Picks:
fredy122 - Top - Jayce
tabzz - Mid - Ahri
kilwar - ADC - Corki
kazmitch - Support - Taric
ImSoFresh - Jungle - Udyr
KMT Bans:
Fizz, Nunu, Sona
KMT Picks:
arQuel - Top - Yorick
r3dz0r - Mid - Evelyn
Nzq - ADC - Ezreal
Wost Sona EU - Support - Soraka
Woolite - Jungle - Jarvan IV
KMT were able to take the first dragon of the game after getting ahead in kills and it seemed Eclypsia would have to work for their series to the end. Eclypsia were able to outfarm KMT in every lane despite their early struggles. EC started winnning engagements as mid game developed. The game came to a head at a 25 minute dragon dance where KMT mysitfyingly hard engaged and quickly got overhwelmed for their aggression. EC picked up dragon, followed by Baron and an ace, forcing the surrender vote from KMT. It is always somewhat bemusing to have such a close series end so abruptly, but the farm discrepancy showed that Eclypsia would only be getting stronger.
EC 2, KMT 1
Key Team Fight:
The deciding team fight was in the third game. Jarvan IV (Woolite) forced an ill-advised engagement and eclipsed his team's chances in the series with one fell swoop.
Most Valuable Player:
The MVP of the match goes to fredy122 for dominating arQuel in games one and three by outfarming, outpushing, and knowing when to join his team.
Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com
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