Kamis, 27 September 2012

Fnatic RC brings home the 2-1 win against Eclypsia

Fnatic RC vs. Eclypsia

Game 1


Bans: fizz, lee sin, nunu


  • Ezreal - CandyPanda (adc)
  • Zilean - xPeke (mid)
  • Zyra - nRated (support)
  • Skarner - Cyanide (jungle)
  • Irelia - s0AZ (top)


Bans: sona, jayce, rengar


  • Udyr - ImSoFresh (jungle)
  • Corki - Killwar (adc)
  • Ahri - tabzz (mid)
  • Blitzcrank - Háydál (support)
  • Renekton - fredy122 (top)

Fnatic struggled early game. With the help of Udyr (ImSoFresh), Renekton (fredy112) was able to dominate Irelia (s0AZ), and help bot lane overwrite Ezreal's (CandyPanda) farm lead by netting Corki (Killwar) a few kills. With the early lead, Eclypsia slowly started to snowball the game in their favor. However, a misstep involving fredy112 allowed Fnatic to win a team fight and take two mid towers to iron out Eclypsia's advantage. The next ten minutes were tedious, as mutual recognition of each teams' strengths formed a stale mate. It was Eclypsia that break under the pressure first. Fnatic's expertly placed baron bait, forced Eclypsia to intervene, instantly taking out fredy112, quickly giving Fnatic the advantage for a 4-0 exchange. After taking the mid inhibitor, Fnatic would swiftly heal and take baron while Eclypsia is still distracted which was the final push needed for Fnatic to wreak havoc in Eclypsia's base, forcing out the surrender.

Game 2


Bans: fizz, nunu, sona


  • Jarvan IV - s0AZ (top)
  • Orianna - xPeke (mid)
  • Ezreal - CandyPanda (adc)
  • Lee sin - Cyanide (jungle)
  • Taric - nRated (support)


Bans: shen, zilean, rengar


  • Kog'maw - Killwar (adc)
  • Nidalee - tabzz (mid)
  • Janna - Háydál (support)
  • Jayce - fredy112 (top)
  • Skarner - ImSoFresh (jungle)

In Game 2 it was Fnatic that controlled much of the early aggression. Having a better early game team, Fnatic was able bully Eclypsia. However, Eclypsia was able to start reacting to any ganks and aggression coming from Fnatic, slowly turning these small skirmishes in their favor. Mid game was where Eclypsia showed their power. With their superior poking ability, Eclypsia was able to fend off any initiation from Fnatic, allowing free damage on towers. Unable to get their ideal initiation, Eclypsia eventually accumulated a lead in which Fnatic was no longer able to win team fights. Eclypsia was able to burst the Fnatic front line really quickly, forcing Fnatic to retreat. With their only advantage gone, Fnatic was at a loss. This allowed Eclypsia to force a baron, and eventually push to win.

Unfortunately, Fnatic became overly reliant on the initiation of s0AZ (Jarvan IV). Fnatic needed to quickly take out Kog Maw if they ever hoped to win a team fight, but Eclypsia had many sources of disengaging team fights which allowed them to further flaunt their superior poking and kiting capabilities.

Game 3


Bans: fizz, nidalee, nunu


  • Diana - xPeke (mid)
  • Skarner - Cyanide (jungle)
  • Sivir - CandyPanda (sivir)
  • Zyra - nRated (support)
  • Rengar - s0AZ (top)


Bans: zilean, shen, sona


  • Ezreal - Killwar (adc)
  • Oriana - tabzz (mid)
  • Malphite - ImSoFresh (jungle)
  • Jayce - fredy112 (top)
  • Yorick - Háydál (support)

Game three proved to be a lot more one sided than the previous games. Despite Eclypsia's strong showing in game one and two, Fnatic completely overran Eclypsia. Fnatic's overpowering presence in game three was due to the amount of initiation options open to them. They had rengar's invisibility, skarner's impale, diana's ultimate, and zyra's snare, all skills that allowed Fnatic to literally pick fights whenever they chose. It would be Rengar (s0AZ) that would get this ball rolling as soon as he hit level 6. With his incredible ultimate and initiation damage (despite the nerf), he was able to roam and grab multiple kills and give each lane an advantage for his team. Unfortunately, the pressure from Fnatic didn't allow Eclypsia to secure some ward coverage which ultimately proved to be their downfall as it allowed the members of Fnatic to roam freely and persistently press their advantage. With such a commanding lead, Eclypsia could do nothing but slowly concede the match and series to Fnatic.

Key Plays:

Fnatic in game one won a crucial team fight around the 20th minute which evened out the game for them, giving them 3 kills and 2 towers.


s0AZ (rengar) was the hero of game three. being able to freely roam around the map with his ultimate, he was able to initiate a snowballing lead for his team which allowed Fnatic to overpower Eclypsia for the win.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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