Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

When Will The Rapture Happen And How

By Dorothea Garner

Everyone has probably heard about the end of times where there Antichrist will come about and deceive the nation. One has also probably read about the Tribulation where non believers would suffer for ten years before the big Armageddon. The only big question mark left in the heads of people would be the date and the time. When will the rapture happen?

Over the years, there have been so many predictions as to the exact day of this event. The only problem is that no one can seem to arrive at an accurate date no matter how many times they try. Although the Bible does give a few clues, none actually led to a date or even a year of the happening. It is safe to say that no one actually knows.

William Miller was probably the first to make a prediction that went worldwide. He stated that he was able to predict the time frame of the end of times. His researched showed that the date would be sometime in between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. Unfortunately for him, nothing happen on that day, so he changed the date to October 22 stating that he had made a miscalculation. When nothing happened, he decided to create a movement stating that he is the reincarnation of Christ and has returned.

Another very famous prediction came when the famous Haley's comet returned in 1910. People saw this as a sign of the return of Christ. It was said that Christ sent a Heavenly body to alert his believers that he will be coming soon to save them. Some even thought that the comet was Jesus himself traveling down to earth.

The branch called Jehovah's Witness also had their own prediction in 1914. They believed that it was in this year that Jesus would come back to earth. They even made a computation that could back up this prediction. They had arrived at a figure of 2520 from the book of Daniel and believed it to the number of years that the earth will live, hence 607 BCE to the year 1914.

Many people have also interpreted the year 2000 as a very significant year as related to the return of Jesus Christ. Since it was the Millennium year of the century, many people expected the world to end and Armageddon to push through. There was even a rumor that the year 2000 was sure to be the end because when 2000 is divided by 3, the answer is 666.6667 which is the mark of the devil.

The most famous one today would be on the 2012. Michael Drosnin stated that he found a secret code in the Pentateuch that foresees the coming of a comet that will destroy the entire earth. Another reason for this date would be the end of the Mayan calendar which signifies that Armageddon is near and that the return of Jesus would follow.

Although there have been so many predictions and theories about the return of Jesus Christ, none have been right. So exactly when will the rapture happen? There is not going to be anyone who can predict this. So it is best to just be prepared and go on with life.

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